starry eyed omens

In general, I'm:
A seasoned adult
Not following first if you're under 18
Not offended if you softblock because i'm an adult
cis (she/her)

things that are cool and good to me:
Good Omens
Loki-adjacent MCU projects (Thor, Avengers, etc...)
Prodigal Son
The Sandman
Moon Knight
Ms. Marvel / The Marvels
The Boys
things that make me go squick in the night (dnf if...):
The Umbrella Academy
The term "selfcest." (Just literally. Please retire that word. Just say you're uncomfortable shipping Variants, I've got no qualm with that.)
Proship ideologies that glorify harm & abuse / have real-world impacts (Ships that work on 100% fantasy concepts [aliens, variants, symbiotes] are things you can't glorify to act on irl. Some are weirder than others, but not the end of the world for me. On the other hand, I shouldn't have to explain to you why M.A.P.s are the scum of the earth.)
The usual Bigotry / Biphobia / Acephobia / Transphobia / Racism / etc

Things of note:
The only ship that I will die for is Aziraphale x Crowley. I'm not heavily invested in shipping culture otherwise.
For Loki in particular, I prefer content that revolves around the characters, positivity about the show, season 2 theories, and constructive criticism about where the show misstepped, particularly in its genderfluid rep.
Loki, Mobius, and Sylvie all deserve better writers for loki season 2.
In short, if you've got nothing good to say about Loki, I'm probably not following / I'm not the right follow for you. The show is the reason why I'm in mcutwt to begin with; the soft spot i have for it is edging on personal. I love Loki and the show, that's why I want more/better for them.
In fact, that's what my Loki fic, "I Know of Liars" is for. See above for my AO3 link.
if you've got a question / want me to clarify anything, my twitter DMs should be open. i admit my opinions on things are nuanced and aren't exactly twitter-limit friendly.